FREE (grant funded). Save Water... Identify leaky or under-performing water fixtures... Benchmark your home's usage against others... Make a positive impact for your community and future generations.
Quick, easy install... the device Velcro's on... ... join BETA and be a first adopter
Sign Up for FREE!
01 / WHAT IS IT?
PROJECT GREEN (BETA) is a grant-funded program aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a new technology platform designed to help homeowners eliminate water waste, both inside and outside the home.
​After velcroing a sensor to the exterior of your existing water meter, the system begins to track your water usage in real-time and in detail. Over time, it develops "baseline performance" figures for each of the water fixtures in your home, and can detect whether the toilets, sinks, showers, lawn sprinklers, or other water fixtures in and around your home are leaky, improperly adjusted, or under-performing.
​The data collected by the system provides you with insight in to how your household uses water, and identifies areas where you can save water and money. It also allows you to benchmark your consumption habits against an anonymized pool of usage data collected from other participant households of similar sizes and demographics.

First of all, it's FREE to you the homeowner. The costs of your participation in the program have already been covered, thanks to grant monies awarded to Project Green by the Innovative Conservation Program (a program organized by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and including a handful of other sponsors listed below).
Second of all, and more importantly, Paleoclimatology and the information we have about the historical weather patterns here in the Western United States indicate that drier times are ahead... and we are unprepared.
In fact, experts predict that a critical gap between the supply and demand for water in Colorado and the Western United States will emerge by the year 2030. Developing new technologies, achieving enough cost effectiveness to deliver them at an overall net cost savings, and promoting their adoption by end users... all take time; we must act now.
Project Green is all about coming together now, and as a community, to identify cost effective ways to address the coming challenges. Given that the most immediate impact to homeowners will likely come in the form of increased water prices and summertime watering restrictions, we've designed a platform to help ensure that you’re making the most efficient use of water both in and around your home.
With your help, and with your participation as a member of PROJECT GREEN (BETA), we can take the first step in helping to ensure that we have the tools and community resources needed to tackle the coming challenges.
03 / SIGN UP!
To become a participant in PROJECT GREEN (BETA), simply complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.
After we have your contact info, and after we have a chance to confirm your eligibility, we will email you some more confidential information, along with a link you can use to e-sign the participant agreement (The agreement contains all the legalese the attorneys want us to go over with you to ensure we protect both your privacy and our intellectual property).
Note: The size of the initial beta test group is limited. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
About PG

Start with a mostly unknown, but growing water crises...
... then add... a software developer born and raised in Colorado... who stumbles over some facts about coming droughts and their predicted social and economic impacts. Slump that IT guy over a keyboard and have him spit out over 600,000 lines of code...
... then add another IT guy... this time a Welshman working from a small town in France (huh? yep... pure happenstance... and thanks to the Internet and online forums). Slump him over a table full of electronic parts and printed circuit boards... and then arm him with a soldering gun...
... next... throw in an ex-golf course superintendent... with years of experience and knowledge of the turf sciences... who transitioned away from the golf industry to the world of business intelligence and reporting...
... and align them all behind an effort to try to build a philanthropically-minded social enterprise aimed at helping people come together to conserve natural resources and to build cool, helpful tools that save people money and make a positive impact for future generations...
... finally... add a community of people who want to come together to address the issues of coming droughts and scarcity... and you have the story of Project Green. Want to become part of the story? You can!

It's simple. Project Green is about bringing people together to save water, to save money, and to build community.
We aim to make significant, positive strides to help folks prepare for the coming water crisis, so that future generations can enjoy the same lifestyle we do today.
The issues and water law are very complex, and there are not quick, easy answers.
In the following video, Brendan (the founder of Project Green) explains what project green's vision is all about:

Our patent pending devices and technology platform provide end users with the data they need, when they need it, and in ways that complement their lifestyles.
The devices install in a matter of minutes, and are completely non-invasive to your existing plumbing system. The sensor gets velcro'd to your existing water meter.
Most of our ideas are considered proprietary at this point in time and are still under wraps. However, if you join the BETA program, you will learn all about them first-hand. We'd love to have your help! Besides, who doesn't like free stuff that saves you money?!
It's not only electronic devices. Properly adjusting the water fixtures in your home, and quickly identifying leaks and breaks, goes a long way toward saving water and money. Also, by pairing the monitoring device with our "green" turf maintenance strategies and weather-aware sprinkler controller, your lawn can be greener than ever before while using less water than ever before.

Text or Call: (720) 515-3394
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Note: The size of the initial beta test group is limited. Participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Interested parties and households whom we are unable to accommodate as part of the initial BETA group will be contacted and given priority upon successful completion of this study and during the next enrollment period when additional funding is secured.